Activate Web GUI for SAP
Welcome to system I15 hosted by the SAP UCC in Munich, DE: This server is running ERPsim 2018/19: based on S/4HANA 1709 and SAP Netweaver 7.52. SAP Note 2540597 - Supported Themes for SAPGUI for HTML. SAP Note 1871280 - SAP GUI for HTML: Standard theme sapcorbu. SAP Note 2439774 - SAP GUI for HTML: Support for SAP theme 'SAP Belize Deep' (sapbelizeplus) with NetWeaver 7.51 and up.
Follow Steps to Activate Web GUI for SAP:1) Verify if the ICM is working correctly.
Transaction SMICM (ICM Monitor)displays the central entry point to the ICM configuration and monitoring.
After starting thistransaction, you will see the ICM status.
Make sure it is running. Check the following ICMparameters via Menu-> Goto -> Parameters ->Display:
icm/server_port_0 PROT=HTTP,PORT=8000
icm/host_name_full server.full.domain
2)With transaction SICF and locate the services by path/sap/public/bc/its/mimes/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui
3)Activate the full path to these services
4)Browse to http://(server_name):icmport/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui/ and login to thewebgui.
If you still have any problem to run WEBGUI run this transaction SIAC_PUBLISH_ALL_INTERNAL
@ It isinbuilt since WAS 640.
@ InternalITS (Internet transaction server) provides the webgui for html without anyadditional installation. It is available by default since WAS 640.
@ Thetransaction to check whether it is available/active is SITS PMON Ensure thatthe parameter itsp/enable is set to 1.
@ SAPprovided internet communication frame work with various services releated toweb gui, crm, srm, xi, bw, solution manager. Etc these services need to beactivated based on requirement and displayed component.
Execute transaction SICF ->select the services right click->active.
default-host/sap/public/bc/its/mimes sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui.
@ Execute SE80 to publish the services ->select the internet service->selectsystem ->right click ->publish complete services ->select inter netservice->select web gui -> right click ->publish complete service makesure that besides the internet service to be used also the two internetservices system and web gui(also known as SAP GUI for HTML) have been publishedto site INTERNAL because object of these services may also be used by otherservices.
@ SMICM -> Internet communication manager is a new services providedin web requests. It is monitored by using SMICM
@ The webgui is accessed by using URL
Http Ip 8000 Sap Bc Gui Sap Its Webgui
icman-host->name of the application server/instance
icman-port(http)->port number of the server(8000+instance number)
icman-host(https)->port number of the server(44300+instance number)
@ define the ICMAN host using parameter ICM/host-name-full.
Http // Ip 8000/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui
you can use this parameter to specify the fully qualified host name.
(FQHN) of the server on which the ICM is running and is available forrequests. for example xyz02