Ora 00900

Here is a really easy fix for some ORA-00900 errors. Well at least the one I saw the other day. This was something that I did not come across when searching either. I found lots of other ideas on what the problem might be but not the fix. Since I am fairly new to PL/SQL (TSQL only for a long time) this one stumped me for a while. Until I asked someone and they saw the error in about two seconds.

Error ORA-00900 occurs when the user tries to execute a statement that is not a valid SQL statement. This error occurs if the Procedural Option is not installed and a SQL statement is issued that requires this option. Users have several options in resolving error ORA-00900. I add an oracle store procedure to OLE DB Command. This store procedure works at oracle db. However, in SSIS, it shows error:ORA-00900 Error: 0xC0047022, SSIS error. ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement ORA-00901: invalid CREATE command ORA-00902: invalid datatype ORA-00903: invalid table name ORA-00904: string: invalid identifier ORA-00905: missing keyword.

When using the Command Window to add a view I was receiving an ORA-00900 error. So I checked that everything the view was referencing was there and that the permissions looked OK. The code for the view was fairly simple and it ran just fine in a regular SQL Window. It ended up that the Command Window did not like the space I had between the list of items in the select before the from.


<--- does not like the empty line
from tblSomething


from tblSomething

I will just chalk that up to my familiarity with PL/SQL.


Posted on Friday, April 13, 2012 4:25 PM | Back to top

Last updated on DECEMBER 19, 2019

Applies to:

PL/SQL - Version and laterOra-00900:
Ora-00900 invalid sql statement describeGeneric (Platform Independent)

Ora 00920


EXECUTE IMMEDIATE failed when calling PL/SQL object:


Ora-00900 Invalid Sql Statement C#



Ora-00900 Invalid Sql Statement Insert

Ora 00900 error odbc

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In this Document
Ora 00909
Oracle ora 00904 invalid identifier

Ora 900


Ora 20900


Ora 00900 Error


Oracle Ora 00904 Invalid Identifier

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